
Blog Post 11

So the semester has come to an end and I have to say that I have enjoyed the class. This class has really allowed me to express myself and evolve my writing. I feel like now that I write, there is less time spent thinking too much and more time spent writing. That little difference in my writing style has really helped me in my writing as I am getting my thoughts down much quicker. This class has also allowed me to evaluate my writing and other people's writing much better. I really take in consideration the little things now when it comes to films, songs, podcasts, and books. This also allows me to appreciate more the creative process it takes to make a book or a film. This class has also allowed me to really express myself, not only in writing but also in a video from. One of the things I would like to learn more about would have to about video editing. I’m really interested in the process of editing videos and would definitely be interested in learning more about that. The co

Creative Writitng Video Post


Blog Assignment 10 Free Write

Word count 1063 Define the meaning of the term Jiu Jitsu and give us a brief history of this art from. The word jiu jitsu translates to “the gentle art”. From what I’ve read online and what I’ve seen on TV, Jiu Jitsu began as a from of self defense in japan that soldiers used to disarm other soldiers in close quarter hand to hand combat. This later began to create a series of sports that included Akido and Judo. The way it modernized to the jiu jitsu we know and see on TV today is in Brazil. It was formed by taking concepts of judo and really focusing on the groundwork rather than throws and trips. It promoted the concept that the smaller guy/girl can defeat a much larger opponent through proper technique. The gracie family took these concepts and dedicated their lives to advancing the sport. Now they are known as the family that brought modern day jiu jitsu to the world and they have a whole lineage of children that learned the art as a very young kids. They basically have an a

The Fourth State of Matter Video Post

The Fourth State of Matter - Blogpost 10 from Diego Poma on Vimeo .

Video Project Write and Video

Word Count: 899 For this assignment I was still very unsure on how I will approach this. I feel like I have so many ideas in my head that I don’t know what direction I should take. As of now I believe I am leaning towards telling a story about how i broke my nose and had to get surgery this past summer. So there I was, in the surgery room telling myself how these things could only happen to me. It was kind of funny to think about because it was the first time I have seriously gotten hurt doing sports. I’ve never actually broken any bones or gotten seriously hurt up until this point. The surgery was to fix my septum and to clean up any scar tissue that was built up where the break happened. As I’m sitting there waiting to be called in, they gave me a portable CD player to watch some Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. This was exactly a week before the semester began and I was really thinking back on the whole summer and how I spent it. Apart from completing my hours at physical therapy clin

Final Video Project Proposal Free Write (WC: 769)

Word Count (769) For this video proposal, I was very unsure of what to write about as there is so many routes that someone can take to express themselves. That is what I really liked about this project because it gives us free range of whatever we would like to do. When thinking about what to do for this project, I really had to self evaluate and see what kind of things I’m into. For this first idea, I’m trying to tell the story of the importance of sports in my life. More particularly how brazilian jiu jitsu has really been something that has become an essential part of my life. I would start off by explaining how I began to grapple in high school on the wrestling team and how I became really in love with the sport. Being surrounded by some great people and by great teammates, the sport of wrestling really taught me a lot about myself. It instilled habits in me that I carry to this day that I think have made me into a better person. I made leaps and bounds on the wrestling team tha

Writers Response (WC 501)

On October 19th we got to sit in on a Skype call to 2 authors from around the world. I personally do not read on my spare time and it was interesting sitting in with others that were truly interested in meeting these authors. Daisy Johnson’s work is focused on horror and it revolves around her experiences growing up. I really enjoyed her piece that she wrote as I was able to follow along easily. The tone of her voice, the pace she was reading at, the emotion she had reading really made listening to her writing enjoyable and made you feel in the moment. I really like how she uses her experiences in her stories. It gives the reader an idea about who the author is and why they are writing this story. Something that I found interesting that she said was how she uses a lot of techniques from famed writer Steven King. It showed me that in order to be a good writer you must learn from those who are doing very well at it now. I can apply to anything and I liked how she applied this to her wr